Is Finding a Soulmate All It's Cracked Up to Be?

I have been grappling with the idea of relationships and love for quite some time now .. or should I say my whole life. We have been taught from the day we were born that some day we will find our soulmate and live happily ever after. Sometimes that does happen for some; the others are not unlucky, but presented with a challenge. You aren't in a relationship, looking to forward goals in courtship with someone, or thinking about marriage.... well you are behind in a lot of people's eyes.

Disclaimer - If you are happily in a relationship or are married, please don't take offense to this. Love is so beautiful, it's just our society's pressure that is put on today's young people to not be alone that is the problem. 

It comes down to how you live your everyday life and how much time you are committing to thinking about your future with a person. When I say "a person," I mean that unknown person that you have already decided standards, benchmarks, and appearance for. This simply sets you up for failure and let down. Let's say you dedicate a total of an hour of random thoughts throughout each day, imagining your future life with "a person." That is 365 hours a year of day dreaming about something non existent. You don't deserve that and neither does the future human being you will someday be with. When you do this, you have set "standards," you future mate must meet or exceed these. This cuts out a ton of people you may never even want to meet simply because you are too arrogant to give them the time of day.

What I'm trying to communicate is that if you spend time doing the things you love and live out your life for you, someone will someday notice how much you are enjoying yourself. And if you love yourself, someone else will too! You will be immensely more satisfied with a mate if you aren't actively looking for one, especially one with a ton of existing expectations. Embrace your independence! 

All in all, we shouldn't be listening to what society tries to portray about relationships. Wait it out and live a happy life, and all will fall into place. Love yourself, love others, and especially love your life. Actively work on your heart today, that's all I have.

Peace n love,


"Love cannot be demanded. If it comes your way, be thankful; if it does not come, wait." - Osho, from his book How to Love


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