Why Self Expression is Important
Many times in the past year or so I have been asked - "Why do you dread your hair?" "Why do you wear those types of clothes?" "Why do you get tattoos?" "Why do you dye your hair purple?" You know what my answer is to every single one of those questions? Because I WANT TO. In a nice way, of course. All of the things I have decided to do is all because of self expression. I have changed my views on conformism, slowly, over the past few years. I previously thought that we all had to wear the same brands and have the same straight hair with the perfect amount of eye shadow - especially as women... I have been enlightened by my experiences that this is not the case. Be peculiar! Make people wonder how you got that glow of self confidence because you are finally wearing your own skin! As mentioned in my last post, I don't need to wear a ton of make up or buy the latest and greatest item - (and quite frankly, sh** I don't need.) I have learned to accept that everyone is different and thats the way it should be. In honor of one year with my dreads, three or so different hair colors, and a ton of new wardrobe pieces from Goodwill... I decided to get two last dreads (lets hope.)
Follow up question I'm usually asked... "But you're going to be a teacher?!?" I answer back with, "If they don't accept me for who I am, I will keep applying until I find a district who does." And, as we all know, there is a terrible teacher shortage right now, so Imma keep doin' me. Teaching has taught me that as I teach young, elementary students, just starting their life journey, I need to celebrate their leaps of faith and their own identity. It makes them feel special and it makes me so ecstatic to see them showing off who they really are. Praising others for their tiny acts of self expression will ultimately encourage many others to do the same. Living in a world where we all have our quirks and uncommonness among each other is remarkably beautiful.
Follow up question I'm usually asked... "But you're going to be a teacher?!?" I answer back with, "If they don't accept me for who I am, I will keep applying until I find a district who does." And, as we all know, there is a terrible teacher shortage right now, so Imma keep doin' me. Teaching has taught me that as I teach young, elementary students, just starting their life journey, I need to celebrate their leaps of faith and their own identity. It makes them feel special and it makes me so ecstatic to see them showing off who they really are. Praising others for their tiny acts of self expression will ultimately encourage many others to do the same. Living in a world where we all have our quirks and uncommonness among each other is remarkably beautiful.
Express your passions proudly, and wear them on your sleeve. Respect others for their choice of expression, and yours will be respected in return. Remember, we can't all be the same, that'd be boring.
Peace n love,
“No man has the right to dictate what other men should perceive, create or produce, but all should be encouraged to reveal themselves, their perceptions and emotions, and to build confidence in the creative spirit.” - Ansel Adams, one of the most famous photographers of our history
& PS - I will be getting more tattoos! :P
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