Basic Human Rights

In the midst of a pandemic, many Americans are panicking. Our basic human rights are in danger.

The following section is adapted by a Facebook post I came across by Richard Carter Fahey. Good ideas and inspirations call for credit where credit is due.

<start of adapted piece>

Offer healthcare for all - free COVID-19 tests, treatment and healthcare that is not based on your job.

Workers should be guaranteed paid leave as their places of work close and force them out of their job, during the shutdown.

Every child in America should have high-quality child care and universal school meals while their schools are closed.

Student loan debt should be canceled or frozen to help millions of struggling Americans. The people begging for student loan relief in this hard time were just trying to better themselves through education. Now, they can't make their payments because they are out of a job.

National rent control is needed so landlords can't jack up rent prices as high as they want, and evict tenants out unfairly during this time.

All people should be making a living wage of at least $15 an hour, especially the ones we are relying on most. The grocery store workers, food service personnel, child caregivers, and cleaners are all working their minimum wage jobs to keep the entire country alive.

<end of adapted piece>

Basic human rights IS socialism. The pandemic has made many Americans suffer from one or many of these human needs. During this time, people need government assistance. Whether you are black, brown, or white, low, middle or high class, young or old - we all could use a little help right now. Socialism isn't giving these things away to people that are greedy, lazy or don't deserve it. Socialism is a shared responsibility of all the people in America to benefit everyone. I hope you can see, though this devastating time, that basic human rights are entitled to every person living in America. We can live in a world where all people flourish. Be kind, help others, and do your part.


"Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much." - Helen Keller


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